
I was attacked!!

By my mascara this morning!!  I was doing my normal make-up routine when I was putting mascara on and all of a sudden it decides to attack me.  What the heck! It full forced tried to attack my face and got caught in my hair.  Luckily it only got in my hair and not all over my face.  I mean I still had to clean it out of my hair.  Uhh darn mascara!
So yesterday was not such a good day.  I woke up with stomach pains, I believe it was from all the nasty food I ate Sunday.  Thanks greasy food.  I was out of some ingredients to make my green juice so I just had a green monster.  Which was a nice change.  I didn't eat much in the morning and by the afternoon I could tell.  I had a progressing headache and I was out and it bed by 8.  Yuck.  So today I will be eating filling foods and keeping my levels well level haha.

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