
RAW Update

So I am not going to count yesterday as a RAW transformation day.  Mainly because most of the things I ate were not RAW at all.  I did manage to get a green monster in thought.  I was doing mostly research yesterday to prepare myself and know why I want to do it.
I want to be healthier.  The past few months since about the time I did my allergy diet I have been wanting to try and go gluten and dairy free.  To stop my allergies, clear my skin up, stop my headaches, and to be in tune with my body.
I know it will be a challenge to switch but I am willing to work on that and to see how much discipline I have to succeed.  Some days will be tougher than others and I know I will mess up.
Today has been a good day so far.  I took a probiotic pill this morning on an empty stomach and had my warm lemon water.  I need to get some natural probiotics.  For breakfast I had a green monster smoothie.  Which had some kale, banana, pineapple, almond butter, flax seeds, and almond milk. I was very tasty.  I had a cup of coffee I am trying to ween myself off of it haha.  I am/was a very advocate coffee drinker, but have noticed that my teeth are not liking it and I used to have the whitest teeth.  Not like fake white but a true real white if there is such a thing, which there is since I had them hello.  Also I do not like being addicted to it where if I don't have it the first thing when I wake up I do not feel good all day.  That is not a good way to life.  So aside from the coffee I had some pineapple for a snack.
I am going to start off with a RAW breakfast until I get into the hang of that then proceed to lunch and dinner.  I am excited to transform.  

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