
And it goes boom!

So last night my honey and I were on the couch talking enjoying the lovely evening with the windows open when all of a sudden we hear this boom.  It was like a distant bomb or some sort of explosion sound.  Nothing like I have ever heard before, my honey said it sounded like when he lived on base and they would do test explosions.  We were a little unsure of what to do next.  Trying not to think much of it we go back to talking and about 5 or so minutes later we hear another one!  Now we are a little uneasy about the whole thing and I go outside to see if I can see anything in the darkness but there is nothing.  I call my mom see if she has heard or knows of anything, but nothing.  I have thoughts racing through my head of what could happen, what has caused it, and on and on.  I check the internet, radio, other people, but nothing.  My honey suggest we get an emergency bag ready and I agree.  So we prepare and still no word.  About an hour or so of nothing we hear what could be a gunshot but our windows are closed and it is to distant to tell for sure.  This is the time that I wish we had prepared for something to happen, nothing major like a zombie apocalypse or anything like that, but just the necessities to get by if something were to happen that we have no control of.  It didn't help that earlier in the day I was searching for a place to buy bulk beans and most of the websites were to prepare people for disasters and years supplies of food.  Along with watching "Extreme Couponing"  which these people have like years worth of supplies if not a lifetime.  If you have not seen that show I recommend it so crazy to think how much these people save!
So back to my boom, it is the day after and everyone I have talked to have said something completely different.  I still do not know what it was....maybe it was just God telling me to be prepared for the upcoming days.  Which my honey and I are making a plan of what we need to be getting for an event. ie power outage, extreme cold....better save than sorry, I always say.

Since we are on the topic I thought I would share that I do have a weirdness of end of the world stuff.  I just and freaked out by that kind of talk.  Always have been.  So I hope something of sorts doesn't happen in my lifetime or that God takes me before it happens which he promises in the Bible.  I remember when I was a little girl and I was at my grandparents house, found one of my grandpa's books, was flipping through, when I came upon a page that said the world was to end in 2012, I remember thinking that was so long from now. And here we are it's almost 2013 and I am not sure how I stand on the whole thing.  But I know God is in control and he will protect me.

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